Fun with

  Candy Mentalists!

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Candy Pop Art!

   The Candy Warhol Factory!

I love pop art and pop artists, I love Candy Mentalists, and I love, love, love Andy Warhol!   So it had to happen...Candy Warhols!  I will absolutely be wearing these "Andy Mentalists" on tee-shirts!




This is an actual can of soup.  It must be worth a million dollars now!  But if you really want it, I'll sell it to you for $999,999.99.

This one is worth two million dollars!  It's not on sale this week.

Andy would have so loved this!

The Candy Magrittes!

We've all seen Magritte's "The Son of Man," you know the one:

Well, poor Magritte, no one understood it.  If only he'd had Candy Mentalists and a fridge like mine covered in lots of interesting magnets, he'd have been much more successful.  Have a look below and see what I mean. 

The Son of Pepperoni!

The Son of Frappuccino!

The Son of Oscar Mayer!

The Son of Chocolate!

The Son of Ronald McDonald!

The Son of Cupcakes!

The Son of Taytos!

The Candy Man Rays!

In 1921, Man Ray stuck tacks on an iron and called it The Gift, but somehow it just missed the mark, don't you think? 

  If only Man Ray had had a Candy Mentalist handy.  Here it is, The Candy Gift!

In 1930, Man Ray did this Surrealist Composition.  Hmm...I don't's not quite right somehow...

Oh, this is better.  The Candy Surrealist Composition!

The Candy Chagall!

Don't you love Chagall's romantic pictures of ladies and horses?  I think they're sweet.  This one's called Midsummer Night's Dream.

This Candy Midsummer Night's Dream is just a little sweeter!  Do you like my toy horse?  He makes a galloping clip-clop noise and then whinnies!

The Candy Dali!

If Salvador Dali painted a Candy Mentalist, I think it would look like this!  It took me three weeks of extreme Surrealist labor to paint this picture of Dunninger!  No, I'm only kidding, can you guess how I did it?  I wiggled and dragged a photo on the scanner glass while it was scanning and then cropped it!  It took several tries to get one Dali would have been proud to sign!  Hey, maybe I'll go down in art history as the founder of the Surrealist Scanning Movement!

The Candy Hockney Collection!

David Hockney always paints people like this, sitting on a chair in a white room.


A few of the Candy Mentalists insisted on having their portraits done by Hockney! 

The Candy Picasso!

Just look at this guitar!  Picasso made it in 1912 out of cardboard and very creatively called it...The Guitar!

Poor Picasso, he never achieved the success he might have if he'd had some cardboard Candy Mentalists handy to inspire him.  I call these...The Candy Mental Guitars!  Look out, Picasso!  I like the plain sides best, don't you?

But here's the front--guess who!  The Prez of Candy Mental Land!

And here's my favorite Candy Mental Guitar...

Guess who!  Because he really does play guitar!  The world's only...

 Candy Mental Guitar Fridge Magnet!


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